Republic Inquiry And Referendum Process

Around 40% of New Zealanders support New Zealand becoming a republic. This topic is for the development of a Bill that will provide for a process that will:

  1. Provide for a simple "yes" "no" non-binding referendum on establishing an inquiry into the republic issue. If the proposition receives a majority of "yes" votes, then;
  2. An Official Inquiry into republicanism will be established
  3. The recommendations of the Inquiry will then be put to a final, binding referendum.

Questions for the Inquiry to consider:

- If New Zealand becomes a republic, what are the constitutional implications for the Treaty of Waitangi?
- If New Zealand becomes a republic, what model should it follow?

The inquiry will make recommendations on each of these issues, and draft the necessary legislation to give effect to them.


Plebiscite for an Australian Republic Bill
Keith Locke's Head of State (Referenda) Bill

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